NAV Navbar


API between the state channel wallet and application.



  "participantId": "abc123", // allocated by app
  "signingAddress": "0x123456",
  "destination": "0xa..."
Parameter Type Description
participantId String App allocated id, used for relaying messages to the participant
signingAddress String Address used to sign channel updates
destination String Address of EOA to receive channel proceeds

Note: in the future we might replace the appId with a contactAddress, which would allow apps to get the wallet to relay messages itself. An example contactAddress would be something like


  "token": "0x...", // 0x0 for ETH
  "allocationItems": [
    {"destination": "0xa...", "amount": "0x1a"},
    {"destination": "0xb...", "amount": "0x1a"}


Format of message sent from the wallet to the app, so that the app can then relay it to another participant.

  "recipient": "user123",
  "sender": "user456",
  "data": "0x456"
Parameter Type Description
recipient String Identifier of user that the message should be relayed to
sender String Identifier of user that the message is from
data String Message payload. Format defined by wallet and opaque to app.

Initial API

Still a WIP! Adding methods as we need them.

Push Message

Used to push messages received from other participants into the wallet.

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "PushMessage",
  "id": 1,
  "params": {
    "recipient": "user123",
    "sender": "user456",
    "data": "0x123.."

Example response

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {"success": true}

Note: we don't return the state of the channel, as messages are not necessarily 1-to-1 with channels.


Code Message Meaning
900 Wrong Participant The message is not addressed to this wallet.


Enables the wallet domain against an ethereum provider (e.g., MetaMask). This triggers the connected State Channels wallet to initiate its "Enable Workflow" which will result in a call to window.ethereum.enable() in the background from the wallet's domain (e.g.,

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "EnableEthereum",
  "id": 1,
  "params": {}

Example response

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "signingAddress": "0xabc...",
    "destinationAddress": "0xabc...",
    "walletVersion": "wallet@0.0.1"


Code Message Meaning
100 Ethereum Not Enabled The wallet approval was rejected by the Web3 provider.


Gets the current data from the wallet on its signingAddress, destinationAddress, and walletVersion. If the wallet has not been enabled relative to a Web3 Provider, destinationAddress will be undefined.

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "GetWalletInformation",
  "id": 1,
  "params": {}

Example response

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "signingAddress": "0xabc...",
    "destinationAddress": "0xabc...",
    "walletVersion": "wallet@0.0.1"

Create Channel

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "CreateChannel",
  "id": 1,
  "params": {
    "participants": [
        "participantId": "user123",
        "signingAddress": "0x...",
        "destination": "0xa..."
        "participantId": "user456",
        "signingAddress": "0x...",
        "destination": "0xb..."
    "allocations": [
        "token": "0x...", // 0x0 for ETH
        "allocationItems": [
          {"destination": "0xa...", "amount": "0x1a"},
          {"destination": "0xb...", "amount": "0x1a"}
    "appDefinition": "0x...",
    "appData": "0x...."

Example response

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "channelId": "0xabc123...",
    "status": "proposed",
    "funding": [],
    "participants": [
        "participantId": "user123",
        "signingAddress": "0x...",
        "destination": "0xa..."
        "participantId": "user456",
        "signingAddress": "0x...",
        "destination": "0xb..."
    "turnNum": 0,
    "allocations": [
        "token": "0x...", // 0x0 for ETH
        "allocationItems": [
          {"destination": "0xa...", "amount": "0x1a"},
          {"destination": "0xb...", "amount": "0x1a"}
    "appDefinition": "0x...",
    "appData": "0x...."


Parameter Type Description
participants Participant[]
allocation Allocation Starting balances
appDefinition Address Address of deployed contract that defines the app
appData String Initial app state, encoded as bytes as per appDefinition contract


Errors conform to the JSON-RPC 2.0 error spec. Beyond the standard errors from that spec, the following domain-specific errors are possible:

Code Message Meaning
1000 Signing address not found The wallet can't find the signing key corresponding to the first signing address in the participants array.
1001 Invalid app definition There isn't a contract deployed at the app definition address.
1002 Unsupported token The wallet doesn't support one or more of the tokens appearing in the allocation.

Join Channel

Possible response to a Channel Proposed event.

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "JoinChannel",
  "id": 0,
  "params": {
    "channelId": "0xabc123"

Example response

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "channelId": "0xabc123...",
    "status": "open",
    "funding": [],
    "participants": [
        "participantId": "user123",
        "signingAddress": "0x...",
        "destination": "0xa..."
        "participantId": "user456",
        "signingAddress": "0x...",
        "destination": "0xb..."
    "turnNum": 1,
    "allocations": [
        "token": "0x...", // 0x0 for ETH
        "allocationItems": [
          {"destination": "0xa...", "amount": "0x1a"},
          {"destination": "0xb...", "amount": "0x1a"}
    "appDefinition": "0x...",
    "appData": "0x...."


Code Message Meaning
1100 Channel not found The wallet can't find the channel corresponding to the channelId
1101 Invalid State Transition The wallet contains invalid state data

Update State

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "UpdateChannel",
  "id": 0,
  "params": {
    "channelId": "0xabc123",
    "allocations": [
        "token": "0x...", // 0x0 for ETH
        "allocationItems": [
          {"destination": "0xa...", "amount": "18"},
          {"destination": "0xb...", "amount": "6"}
    "appData": "0x...."

Example response

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "channelId": "0xabc123...",
    "status": "running",
    "funding": [{"token": "0x0", "amount": "24"}],
    "participants": [
        "participantId": "user123",
        "signingAddress": "0x...",
        "destination": "0xa..."
        "participantId": "user456",
        "signingAddress": "0x...",
        "destination": "0xb..."
    "turnNum": 7,
    "allocations": [
        "token": "0x...", // 0x0 for ETH
        "allocationItems": [
          {"destination": "0xa...", "amount": "18"},
          {"destination": "0xb...", "amount": "6"}
    "appData": "0x...."


Code Message Meaning
Channel not found The wallet can't find the channel corresponding to the channelId
Invalid app data The app data isn't a valid state for the force-move app defined by the app definition
Invalid transition The state transition implied by this state is invalid

Get State

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "GetState",
  "id": 0,
  "params": {
    "channelId": "0xabc123"

Example response

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "channelId": "0xabc123...",
    "status": "running",
    "funding": [{"token": "0x0", "amount": "24"}],
    "participants": [
        "participantId": "user123",
        "signingAddress": "0x...",
        "destination": "0xa..."
        "participantId": "user456",
        "signingAddress": "0x...",
        "destination": "0xb..."
    "turnNum": 7,
    "allocations": [
        "token": "0x...", // 0x0 for ETH
        "allocationItems": [
          {"destination": "0xa...", "amount": "18"},
          {"destination": "0xb...", "amount": "6"}
    "appData": "0x...."


Code Message Meaning
Channel not found The wallet can't find the channel corresponding to the channelId

Close Channel

The wallet will respond to this request with an error if it is not your turn. If it is your turn, the wallet will respond as soon as it has signed an isFinal state, and the channel is updated to closing status.

The channel may later update to closed status only when other channel participants have responded in kind: this can be detected by listening to ChannelUpdated events and filtering on the channel status.

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "CloseChannel",
  "id": 3,
  "params": {
    "channelId": "0xabc123"

Example response

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 3,
  "result": {
    "channelId": "0xabc123...",
    "status": "closing",
    "funding": [],
    "participants": [
        "participantId": "user123",
        "signingAddress": "0x...",
        "destination": "0xa..."
        "participantId": "user456",
        "signingAddress": "0x...",
        "destination": "0xb..."
    "turnNum": 10,
    "allocations": [
        "token": "0x...", // 0x0 for ETH
        "allocationItems": [
          {"destination": "0xa...", "amount": "0x1a"},
          {"destination": "0xb...", "amount": "0x1a"}
    "appDefinition": "0x...",
    "appData": "0x...."


Code Message Meaning
300 Not your turn You cannot close the channel until it is your turn.

Challenge Channel

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "ChallengeChannel",
  "id": 0,
  "params": {
    "channelId": "0xabc123"

Example response

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": {
    "channelId": "0xabc123...",
    "status": "challenging",
    "funding": [{"token": "0x0", "amount": "24"}],
    "participants": [
        "participantId": "user123",
        "signingAddress": "0x...",
        "destination": "0xa..."
        "participantId": "user456",
        "signingAddress": "0x...",
        "destination": "0xb..."
    "turnNum": 7,
    "allocations": [
        "token": "0x...", // 0x0 for ETH
        "allocationItems": [
          {"destination": "0xa...", "amount": "18"},
          {"destination": "0xb...", "amount": "6"}
    "appData": "0x...."


Code Message Meaning
Channel not found The wallet can't find the channel corresponding to the channelId


Sent from the wallet to the app.

Message Queued

The application is responsible for relaying messages from the wallet to the other participant(s) in the channel. When the wallet wishes to send a message it will emit a MessageQueued event.

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "MessageQueued",
  "params": {
    "recipient": "user123",
    "sender": "user456",
    "data": "0x1111..."

Channel Proposed

Triggered when the wallet receives a message containing a new channel. App should respond by either calling JoinChannel, or TODO.

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "ChannelProposed",
  "params": {
    "channelId": "0xabc123",
    "status": "opening",
    "funding": [],
    "participants": [
        "participantId": "user123",
        "signingAddress": "0x...",
        "destination": "0xa..."
        "participantId": "user456",
        "signingAddress": "0x...",
        "destination": "0xb..."
    "turnNum": 0,
    "allocations": [
        "token": "0x...", // 0x0 for ETH
        "allocationItems": [
          {"destination": "0xa...", "amount": "18"},
          {"destination": "0xb...", "amount": "6"}
    "appData": "0x...."

Channel Updated

Triggered when any of the following occurs:

In the first two cases, this notification is only triggered when the wallet verifies that the state causes the 'top state' to change.

The 'top state' is the state drawn from the set of supported states that has the highest turn number.

(We have glossed over / left undefined what happens in the case where there is more than one top state).

In particular, this means that

states will not trigger this notification. Similarly, a countersignature on an already-supported state will not trigger this notification unless it means that a conclusion proof is now available.

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "ChannelUpdated",
  "params": {
    "channelId": "0xabc123...",
    "status": "running",
    "funding": [{"token": "0x0", "amount": "24"}],
    "participants": [
        "participantId": "user123",
        "signingAddress": "0x...",
        "destination": "0xa..."
        "participantId": "user456",
        "signingAddress": "0x...",
        "destination": "0xb..."
    "turnNum": 7,
    "allocations": [
        "token": "0x...", // 0x0 for ETH
        "allocationItems": [
          {"destination": "0xa...", "amount": "18"},
          {"destination": "0xb...", "amount": "6"}
    "appData": "0x...."